Our HR Club is open and active!
The HR Club will:
- Address issues related to Human Resources
- Allow the sharing of information on labor laws, and the sharing of know-how
- Develop relationships between participating members
Our deepest thanks to Anne Didierlaurent, HR & Admin Operations Manager at Gaussin Advance Mobility, for accepting to be the President of the Club!
A first digital meeting is scheduled on the 31st of October, on Qatar Labor Law reforms. You will find more information here.
Anne Didierlaurent is currently working at Gaussin Advance Mobility QFZ LLC as HR & Admin Operations Manager. Holder of Master in Management from SKEMA Business School, she started her career in a technologic start-up, then moved to recruiting and manpower outsourcing business, working in France and all over the world for major clients in the oil & gas, energy, construction, transport and engineering sectors. When she was offered the opportunity to take the position of Branch Manager for MPH in Qatar, she moved to Doha in 2006, where she has been taking further responsibilities in Operational, Admin & HR Management with MPH and Rawand Hotel, and in HR Management more specifically during 7 years at Six Construct. She has been part of the former association called DFPN, where she was animating monthly meetings with new people arriving in Doha and looking for job opportunities.