Analyses & Studies

EU-GCC Dialogue on Economic Diversification: Survey

The purpose is to identify obstacles that EU companies encounter in conducting business in the GCC

The EU-GCC Dialogue on Economic Diversification project would like to invite you to participate in the  online EU-GCC Business Survey with the purpose of identifying obstacles that EU companies encounter in conducting business in the GCC. Based on the findings, the project team will advocate policies and initiatives to address the factors limiting increased trade and investment flows between the EU and the GCC and seek to enable EU companies to increase their presence and competitiveness in the region.

The objective of the EU – GCC Dialogue on Economic Diversification project is to consolidate EU’s position as a partner of choice for GCC countries for cooperation on economic diversification strategies, macroeconomic stability, trade and investment, and research and innovation.

The answers will be anonymous. No response will be attributed to any individual respondent/organisation. The survey will take approximately 10-15 minutes at the most to complete. An in-depth report will be shared with the participants in advance of its official release.

We appreciate very much your contribution to and participation in the survey.

The link to the survey will only appear to logged-in members

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